Lead Generation World London (LGWL) will focus on creating unique learning and networking opportunities that you cannot experience at any other conference. LGWL focuses on content that helps lead buyers navigate the lead generation industry and become more successful with their lead buys and marketing strategies. Along with performance marketing strategies, LGWL will host that will help you close more leads into sales.

At LGWL you will be able to hear expert presentations and receive personal direction from industry thought leaders. You will also have a chance to enter discussion forums focused on topics and industry segments of your choosing. For example, LGWL will facilitate group discussions in each vertical, as well as for marketers seeking best practices across different channels, C-level executives, compliance professionals, media specialists, and more.

LGWL is the home for Lead Buyers, Advertisers, Lead Sellers, and Service Providers in the performance marketing industry. If you are a brand, agency, or service provider interested in keeping up-to-date on LGWL please join our community by completing the form below.