January 20, 2021 Comment off
Ep 49 UK: Nigel Borwell, LeadTech
In this episode, we are joined with Nigel Borwell to discuss all things lead generation in the Uk, how LeadTech was started 20 years ago, what he has seen change over that time, and where he would like to see things continue to evolve.

November 30, 2020 Comment off
EP 46: Ethan Ewing, ProPair
On this podcast we are joined with Ethan Ewing of ProPair. We discuss how mortgage companies are successfully improving their conversation rates by optimizing who they distribute their leads too. We also catch up on what he has seen change through the pandemic and how companies are weathering the storm.

April 16, 2020 Comment off
Ep: 33 Nima Hakimi, Convoso
In this episode we talk with Nima Hakimi, the co-founder of Convoso. I get a chance to hear about how he founded Convoso, navigated the evolution of the platform and the companies culture, as well as best practices for outbound contact strategies for lead generators and lead buyers.

March 26, 2020 Comment off
Ep 27: Rob Seaver, LeadsCouncil
In this episode, we talk with Rob Seaver, the Director of the LeadsCouncil, an association that promotes best practices and standards to the Lead Generation industry. We discuss regulations, new LeadsCouncil initiatives, and much more. Take a listen and let us know what you think!

February 25, 2020 Comment off
Ep 23: Ben Tyrrell, MVF Global
Ben Tyrrell of MVF Global joins us today as we discuss lead management best practices, lead generation trends, how to vet a new lead seller, and so much more. Audio only links:

February 6, 2020 Comment off
EP 19: Alain Desmier, Contact State
In this episode, we talk with the founder of Contact State about his experiences within the lead generation industry and how he working to build trust and transparency in the UK market. Guest: Alain Desmier, Contact State You can also listen to the Podcast on Spotify here

January 5, 2020 Comment off
Making the MOST out of a conference
Author: Alex Oliveira As a seasoned Marketing Consultant, I’ve made it my mission to bring my clients the latest and greatest in marketing tools of all kinds. This means staying ahead of the curve and continue building my own professional toolkit – and a major tool in my stash is conferences. There is truly no […]

December 19, 2019 Comment off
EP 18: Alex F Oliveira, Prediq Media
Alex F. Oliveira from Prediq Media joined me today as we talked about home services lead generation, design thinking. Plus we talked about the lead generation ecosystem and how important it is for buyers and sellers to have a transparent relationship. It is not only good for the partners but also for the whole industry. […]

December 10, 2019 Comment off
Ep 17: Ashleigh Rothhammer Johnson from Insurance Technologies Corporation
In this podcast, we speak with Ashleigh Johnson from Insurance Technologies Corporation. We talk about all things insurance marketing but also get a chance to learn more about the Women In Insurance & Financial Services organization and her involvement in its efforts to help women be more successful in the industry.

December 3, 2019 Comment off
Sales Strategy Tips: Overcoming Hesitation During In-Person Meetings
Some agents are more genuine, more in-tune and even more comfortable with meeting clients in person versus speaking with them over the phone. Sure, there are those rare occasions when a customer will buy insurance over the phone and docu-sign the policy, without the need to ever meet the agent who insured him or her. […]