Lead Generation Week Announced!

April 2, 2020    Comment off

I hope you all are staying positive, staying strong, and most importantly staying healthy through these unprecedented times

I would like to make an announcement and share some news with the Lead Generation World community.

As you know, we at Lead Generation World want to do whatever can to support our industry. Whether that is through our conference series or our recruiting services we want to continue to provide opportunities for you to network and grow your business, and for you to increase your lead generation skills.

As an industry veteran myself, I know how important conferences are to the growth of your business. They provide opportunities promote your brand, meet new prospects, and hear best practices.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, those very important opportunities have completely disappeared!

I believe it is extremely important for our company to continue and provide opportunities for the industry to come together, interact, and find ways to support each other through these crazy times.

I believe now is NOT the time to stand back, do nothing, and wait for this all to be over. We have to do what we can to make measured progress, in the most thoughtful ways, in both our own lives and our businesses.

In a time where staying apart is so important, we wanted to give an opportunity for the community to come together virtually.

To help give the lead buyers, lead sellers, and service providers a consolidated virtual place to connect and hear best practices, we are launching Lead Generation Week.

Lead Generation Week is 5 days of virtual conference sessions lead by industry experts. Not just webinars! These are high-level conference sessions that will be streamed live directly into our app and where you can interact, ask questions, and improve your lead generation skills.

Plus, and arguably the most important feature, all attendees will get access to our Lead Generation Week App. This will allow you to connect with 100’s of industry professionals that can help you grow your business, even in these uncertain times.

It is the same App that we used at our Denver conference in January and the same App that everyone absolutely LOVED. However, now there are even more features, including desktop functionality that allow you to communicate with attendees and stream our session live to your desktop.

Again, we know that times are unpredictable right now. We also know that budgeting your expenses is very important at this time. This is why we have made this opportunity extremely affordable for everyone to participate in. Lead Generation Week is not about simply creating an event. It is about providing a resource for the community to continue and connect!

We have already signed on an amazing keynote speaker, Trevor Moawad from Limitless Minds. You may have heard of Trevor. He works directly with Russell Wilson of the Seattle Seahawks and numerous other professional and NCAA level sports teams.

Trevor has some amazing information to share with attendees that will change how you deal with challenges in your business and life. You are not going to want to miss his Keynote!

The rest of the agenda will be added in the coming weeks. I want to encourage you to review the website, register if you think it would be beneficial for your business, and get ready to start networking on April 27th!

If you have any questions or concerns or would like to participate in some way, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at Mike@leadgenerationworldcom.

Stay strong, stay positive, and most importantly stay healthy.

Michael Ferree
Lead Generation World