What is a Lead?

March 9, 2022    Comment off

While this seems like it might be easy to define, we at Lead Generation World thought is was important to define exactly what we consider a “lead”.

What is a lead?

noun: lead; plural noun; leads;

A lead is a consumer that has expressed interest in your product or service and has provided consent for your business to contact them regarding your specific product or service. 

This expression of interest and consent can be provided via a web form, a call, a text, an email, or another form of communication. 

The important items that define a lead is “expressed interest” and “provided consent”. If you do not have those two items from the consumer, you do not have a lead.

If you do not have those two items you then potential have qualified prospect, a subscriber, or just a piece of data.

 Data lists, newsletter sign ups, and/or general engagement with your company is not a lead.

What is a Lead?